Friday, October 22, 2010

Some Thoughts about life.

the slow burn is always more entertaining than the quick kill. Apply this to life. What this means for people who don't quite get it is that don't just fuck off in your 20's, set yourself up for a long and happy life doing what pleases you most. This doesn't necessarily mean getting a high paying job as life is not about money but more about happiness, what it means is set yourself up in a career path and an environment were you'll have a better time in your older years.


  1. That image bothers me. Make it go away. =(

  2. I dunno, I think it's interesting. Both the wisdom and the picture.

  3. I definitely won't forget this. Words AND image lmao

  4. Maybe but the quick kill is always more exciting.

  5. I'm really trying to head that exact advice right now. Got a job I love and a hobby I enjoy -- I think I'm OK for 28. Gruesome pic BTW!

  6. that image also bothers me... but i can't stop looking.

  7. that is scarry :-j

  8. You're older longer than you are younger.
